Monday, May 19, 2008

Today I have Learned..

Each day is a learning experience.
Its one of those days, when I start counting and making an inventory of what has been going on in my life lately.Writing them is therapeutic to my soul.

Most of them, usually makes me smile when i start reading them days after I have jotted them down.

How minimal these things are, compared to those who have much much more heavier loads of what I have been going thru..

O, buhay..

Oh, well,here's a jot down list of what i learned, today.
And by the way...The word TODAY for me right now actually means EACH DAY. I just like using the word TODAY to start off my sentences.

Here goes my lengthy TODAY List :

Today i learned that all people die...Life is short.
And yes.Most of them live too.( I've been to 2 funerals lately,thats why.)

Today i learned that i have THE RIGHT to EDIT everything going on in my page --if i want to.And that anything i jot down here is subject to change without prior notice. ( read:: IF somebody notices and comments..hahaha)

Today i learned that no matter how hard i try to be cheerful inside IF it doesnt show outside, i won't look cheerful! ( of course!.. but then, i still like writing it down)

Today I learned , that if i write more, i live more.

Today i learned, that I can be my own best, and my own worst self--if i choose to.

Today I learned, that some things in life can never be all yours,you have to give some and lose some to gain some.

Today I learned, that my three year old son, Yoshua, blabbers a lot ofstories and is fascinating if you realllly reallly try hard to focus your 2 ears on him. He never stops talking! and asking..Doesn't stop talking for even one minute!

As i write this down, he's just sitting by the window looking outside watching his favorite orange Jea delivery truck..creating his own stories and saying it aloud. He won't stop getting my full attention, if his question is'nt answered to his satisfaction. Right now, he's asking me endlessly "ma, how do they make an isuzu forward truck?!" whew! Excuse me for a sec, Lemme take a break as i join him by the window and create another story of "how they invented his truck.."

Today i learned again, how lonely life can be if you stay put all the time. You have to go out of your comfort zone to live more.

Today i learned again, that listenning to my favorite music can be very relaxing.

Today I learned that i can go thru a moment of depression then escalate to another lighter mood the next hour..that sadness,loneliness,or happiness is in fact A CHOICE.

Today i also learned, that taking a cold shower can easily erase any morning blues. That, it never fails to do me wonders. Makes my head feel oh so brand new ! Ready to face the day, whatever it is.
oday i learned that everything in the universe is energy...AND i'm still thinking what that really means.

Today, I learned that "talking aloud" to myself helps me explore my deepest self--it does me good.

Today I learned, that I need a lot of space to just be myself. That space, includes having my pc to play music on surround speakers, a microphone with magic sing,a dancing floor with a wide floor to ceiling mirror.No interruptions, no distractions. Even for just an hour..Yeah. i think i will have one room like that just for myself--one day.

I also learned that no matter how hard i try to be approachable and be a true friend, most people still think i am not that.
But i also learned that i am not here to please anybody. I am here to just be myself. Take it or leave it. I am happier that way.

Today I learned that, whenever i feel useless..i can make myself busy, to be really filled up with chores to do : like arranging our closet, color code all our clothes until my mind goes berserk, or do a long overdue inventory of things ready to give away and keep in the house, wash the dishes, water my garden, change the beddings and pillowcases, do the laundry, COOK MY NEW RECIPES and never give up cooking until its a masterpiece!

Today i learned that playing with my 3 year old son, is my true relaxant.

Today i learned that playing badminton using an outdoor shuttle cock is very rewarding.

Today i learned that its very good to keep and treasure really old, old friends and yet keeping stride with plenty more newer friends until they become old old friends too ---as time goes by.

Today i learned again, that being spontaneous has a lot of drawbacks too.And that planning well ahead is an art of discipline. Which, i have difficulty doing most of time. That i have to relearn this discipline over and over and over.

Today i learned that being patient has excellent rewards.
I also learned that Silence makes a big difference.

Today i learned that blogging is not easy,especially when your readers are all silent.And receiving just one comment from anybody for any blog or anything that i post here is already one big honor for me. And that , inspite of that.. i still love what i am doing and sending them these.hahahah.

Today, i learned to keep reminding myself that the reason why i'm doing this is because
i love writing.

And reading them over and over when i got the time, provides me the chance to get in touch with myself.

Today i learned , i can stop asking questions and accept what is given...and from there, work it through, even for just awhile.

Today, i learned that our education system should be open to western influence in order to be at par with technology.

Today i learned , that wanton wrappers can be magical too.
Today, i learned how to cook a special maja recipe from a dear old friend who came by the house.

And another thing i learned today..

That there is also "TRAFFIC" in the world wide web.That "creating" traffic in your own webpage is a masterpiece. I am still discovering why i need to have that kind of traffic too..I think i would love to have traffic here too..

I can go on and on and on and on with my today i learned list.


I learned today..that readers prefer short reads than long reads...
And even if i write them long... i remind myself again..that i am doing this for ME..

And the one reading this up to the last syllable of the last paragraph, gets a high sounding salute from me.. even if maybe you're figuring out to apply the virtue of being...patient ...
in reading reallllly lonnnnnnggggg blogs..

Just like this one...

{and oh, thank you to Jason Mraz ...for joining me with his reggae beat..again again again!!
i love this beat! }

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